Introduction To Genora
Genora is a country located within the Arronian Empire that is known for its exports of Highland Yew Wood, which is used in the creation of bows, and Genoran Lemons, which are exported to the Arronian Empire. It is also home to the Mages of Orah Forest, who tap into their skills using pure essence and are part of the Order of Mages for life. It is very rare for someone to be removed from this order. Genora was once a separate kingdom, but pledged allegiance to the Arronian Empire in a mutual agreement. In exchange for the support of the Empire and its troops, Genora provides its naval fleet and resources. Genora has the second biggest port within the Empire and is used to facilitate trade within Arronia and neighboring territories. It is also the crossroad between Dalandor and Arronia, distributing resources and troops between the two continents. Bastion City is the main trading port in Genora and is the only port fortress to never have been breached outside of the Empire. Folklore states that there is a beast that lurks beneath the Northern Pass of Genora, known as "Borgash." Genoran sailors will provide an offering of Borgash, which consists of a lemon from Orah Forest, wine from the Half Land Vineyards, and a candle, all placed on top of a dish made from the hide of a Genoran wolf, before setting sail.
Genoran Lore
Like Arronia, Genora's religious state is that of "Gor," the Earthen Drake who brought forth the human race. Genoran sailors are known for their skill in seafaring and have the biggest naval fleet within the Empire, which is a formidable force in ship to ship combat. Genoran ships are designed with the capability of ramming other ships and sinking them with their Vulperium hulls, making them a formidable weapon in open combat.