intoduction to the characters of void

The World of Void is a fictional realm that is home to a variety of different races and powerful beings. Andral is a Sentinal of the Arronian Empire, known for his unwavering loyalty and fierce combat abilities. He is a skilled warrior and strategist, and serves as a protector of the empire and its people.

Quel'an is the Aspect of Time, a powerful and ancient being who is said to have the ability to manipulate and control the flow of time. Valyndra is a primordial human, a powerful and ancient being known for her fierce protection of the natural world and her ability to harness the elemental power of fire.

Valyndra is considered a guardian of Cyndressa, a place where the balance of nature is protected. These powerful beings are integral to the World of Void and their actions shape the fate of the realm.

"Here is a list of all known characters in the World of Void, including Andral the Sentinal of the Arronian Empire, Quel'an the Aspect of Time, and Valyndra the primordial human and guardian of Cyndressa, these powerful beings are integral to the World of Void and their actions shape the fate of the realm."